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Strategies Implemented

As a part of prevention we implement strategies into the community to make a safer and healthier Sweetwater County 

ReThinking Drinking

ReThinking Drinking works to disseminate knowledge about the effects of alcohol on health and well-being

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Wyoming  Quit Tobacco

The Wyoming Quit Tobacco Line helps those that are trying to quit smoking. They offer free Nicotine Replacement Therapy, coaching, and a personalized quit plan.

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid is a skills-based training that teaches about mental health and substance misuse

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Drink Less Be Your Best

Drink Less Be Your Best works to help others realize that they can be their best by choosing to drink less alcohol. 


QPR's mission is to reduce suicide by providing education and training and giving 3 steps to help save a life from suicide: Question, Persuade, Refer

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Medication Lock Boxes

Sweetwater County Prevention Coalition offers free medication lock boxes to anyone in Sweetwater County that is wanting to keep their medications in a safe place.

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Sources of Strength

Sources of Strength is a peer lead prevention project to help change unhealthy norms and culture, that prevents suicide, bullying, and substance misuse

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Wy We Talk encourages positive conversations with youth around challenging topics like substance use


    Walk The Talk America

    Walk The Talk America works to bridge the gap between firearm safety and mental health by educating mental health professionals about gun culture and breaking negative stigmas

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    Fruity Cocktails

    TiPS Training

    Alcohol server training to help prevent intoxication, drunk driving, and underage drinking. 

    Sweetwater County LOSS Team

    The Sweetwater County LOSS Team is dedicated to helping those who lose a loved one to suicide. It is in early stages of development, but we hope to see it grow over the years. Visit the LOSS team site to find resources for suicide grief and ways that you can get involved. 

    Holding Hands
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