Primary Focuses
Below are some topics Sweetwater County Prevention Coalition focuses on. Contact us via email, "Lets Chat!", or click on the tab "Book Online" for more Indepth conversations with us.

Underage Drinking and Marijuana Use
The Information You Need
Adult Overconsumption of Alcohol
Get the Facts
Tobacco and Nicotine Use
Free Quit Kits and NRTs (Nicotine Replacement Therapy)
Opioid and Other Substance Use
Free Medication Lock Boxes and Drug Deactivation Bags
Suicide Prevention
You are Not Alone, Help is Available
988 suicide and crisis lifeline

Underage Drinking and Marijuana Use
Parents having conversations with their children about hard topics can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be. WYWeTalk is a great tool for parents to start these conversations with their teens and have open and honest talks. We also have community event toolkits available for events where alcohol and minors will be present to minimize underage drinking.

Adult Overconsumption of Alcohol
TIPS training is a great way to minimize overconsumption of alcohol in bars and restaurants around Sweetwater County.

Tobacco and Nicotine Use
We offer free nicotine/tobacco cessation classes for adults and youth to help with trying to kick that habit. We also offer free community Nicotine Replacement Therapy for adults that are trying to quit.

Opioid and Other Substance Use
We offer free medication lock boxes as well as deactivation kits to dispose of drugs in a safe and effective way.

Suicide Prevention
Sweetwater County ranks 4th in Wyoming for highest suicide rate. We offer trainings, presentations, and support groups for anyone that is wanting more information on suicide and wanting to help us break the stigma.